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Concerts with works by
Iannis Xenakis


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Concerts in season 2024/25 or later where works by Iannis Xenakis is performed

February 24, 2025
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Science, Talk and Music

Mon, Feb 24, 2025, 19:00
Martin Heinze (Double bass), Václav Vonášek (Kontrafagott), Katharina und Parm von Oheimb (Conversation)
In search of the hidden biodiversity of Berlin’s cemeteries: Researchers Katharina and Parm von Oheimb explore the fascinating world of snails. Join the pair as they set off on the trail of the slimy molluscs to examine the peculiar habitat they have found between ivy-covered gravestones and mausoleums. Travel with them as they share insights into their research on the impressive biodiversity of tropical land snails. During the evening's journey, they will report on the endangered diversity of their favourite gastropods, and explain why these creatures are severely affected by the current extinction of species.How to find us, address and more
April 25, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

NDR Bigband / Ensemble Modern / Jonathan Stockhammer / Geir Lysne

Fri, Apr 25, 2025, 20:00
NDR Bigband, Ensemble Modern, Jonathan Stockhammer (Conductor), Geir Lysne (Director)
Frank Zappa had a special position in the popular music of the 20th century because he was inspired and influenced by composers of the contemporary avant-garde. Colin Towns has arranged some of Zappa’s compositions for the NDR Bigband. Under the direction of chief conductor Geir Lysne, the big band presents a programme of these pieces. Musicians from Ensemble Modern, Zappa’s »last band«, will round off the evening under the direction of Jonathan Stockhammer with works that characterised Zappa: Iannis Xenakis’ »Anaktoria«, Anton Webern’s Symphony op. 21, »Octandre« by Edgard Varèse and Karlheinz Stockhausen’s »Gesang der Jünglinge«.
April 29, 2025
Artistic depiction of the event

Christoph Sietzen & Friends

Tue, Apr 29, 2025, 20:00
Tabea Zimmermann (Viola), Mahan Esfahani (Cembalo), Christoph Sietzen (Multi percussion)
Christoph Sietzen ist ein preisgekrönter Multipercussionist und ein gefeierter Solist im Dialog mit großen Orchestern. Doch seine Liebe gilt auch der Kammermusik. In Köln konzertiert er mit Tabea Zimmermann, Königin der Bratsche, und mit Cembalokünstler Mahan Esfahani.Tam-Tam, Schellen, Marimba & Co. sind selten in der Kammermusik zu erleben. Wenige Komponisten haben sie in kleinere Besetzungen einbezogen. Eine schöne Ausnahme bilden Luciano Berios experimentelles Stück »Naturale« und das als unspielbar geltende Kuriosum »Oophaa« von Iannis Xenakis. Der Tausendsassa am Schlagwerk, Christoph Sietzen, die brillante Bratschistin Tabea Zimmermann und der Held am Cembalo, Mahan Esfahani, stellen sich gerne solchen Herausforderungen und inspirieren sich gegenseitig. Gefördert vom Kuratorium KölnMusik e.V.